Dr. Li Chen is a Professor of Operations, Technology and Information Management and Breazzano Family Term Professor of Management at Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. Dr. Chen’s research interests concern supply chain management, operations strategy, and Bayesian methods for predictive and prescriptive analytics. He has published research works in top journals in the operations management field, such as Management Science, Operations Research, and Manufacturing, Service and Operations Management. Prior to joining Johnson School, Dr. Chen was an Associate Professor of Business Administration at The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Before his Duke appointment, Dr. Chen spent four years at TrueDemand Software, a supply chain software company in Silicon Valley, where he was the cofounder and lead scientist of the company. Dr. Chen obtained his PhD in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2005.
Supply Chain Finance, Coordination, and SustainabilityCornell Course
Course Overview
Supply chain analytics goes beyond managing the flow of information and products along the supply chain; it's also about managing the cash flow, people, and ecosystem along the supply chain. This approach to management is known as the profit, people, and planet triple bottom line. Supply chain cash flow, or profit, concerns payments and trade financing between supply chain parties. The people element of supply chains concerns managing relationships with your customers and suppliers. Finally, the ecosystem, or planet, element of supply chains concerns the environment where the supply chain operates. You therefore need to be aware of your competition, government regulations, and your supply chain's social and environmental impact in order to properly balance all three and gain a competitive advantage.
In this course, you will explore how to measure and improve supply chain cash flow efficiency. You'll also discover design strategies to achieve coordination with your partners and achieve sustainability in the supply chain.
The following courses are required to be completed before taking this course:
- Forecasting Supply Chain Demand
- Optimizing Inventory Management
- Optimizing Production Capacity Allocation
Key Course Takeaways
- Measure and improve supply chain cash flow efficiency
- Design strategies to achieve supply chain coordination and reach and maintain sustainability

How It Works
Course Author
Who Should Enroll
- Individuals seeking to increase skills in supply chain strategy
- Operations analysts
- Market analysts for consumer and industrial products
- Consultants seeking supply chain knowledge
100% Online
cornell's Top Minds